In addition to traditional concerns about cost, agility and quality, our clients [and us] are being challenged with their record on SDG’s, ESG, DEI+B in the world outside their organizations. While these challenges overlap significantly, the question they raise is how do we as design practitioners respond, if at all?
Guest presenter: Bernard Mohr
Moderator: Paul Tolchinsky
We explored:
- What contributions to society do we want from our business enterprises
- What role do we, as organization designers, want to play in helping our clients build a better society? What is our responsibility as a profession and as practitioners?
- How, when and where can we, as designers, engage leaders in the conversation about the role of their businesses in creating a better society?
- How do we help our clients integrate “profit” and “purpose”?
- What capabilities will our client organizations need to succeed in this arena?
- What will our “offer” to our clients look like? What skills, tools, capabilities, practices, etc., will we offer to our clients
- What are we doing today? What could we do in the future?