The CCMV Collaborative Vision for  2030

The CCMV Collaborative Vision for 2030

Ten thousand businesses actively building a better world for all of us and achieving unparalleled prosperity BY creating value at the sweet spot of:  🔹 What the world NEEDS to become a place that can work for all,  🔹 What the business WANTS to do to build a...
Business Rationale for Co-Creating Mutual Value

Business Rationale for Co-Creating Mutual Value

Bernard Mohr DOES CAPITALISM NEED AN UPGRADE? Financial (shareholder) capitalism has simultaneously lifted more people out of poverty and created more health and education than any other economic system we know of – while at the same time sustaining or creating...
Should We Ask Corporations to do More?

Should We Ask Corporations to do More?

Corporations generate and deliver solutions to almost every need in modern life.  But what if, as a society, we asked them to push a bit further? What if we asked them to develop and deliver solutions in areas of need such as racial injustice, economic...